Friday, February 12, 2010

Hello Blogging World.

Okay, I'm going to try. I love reading other people's blogs and have always thought it would be fun to have one. But for some reason I've thought that you need to be the type of person who is a "writer" or "funny". Well, I amd not that funny and I've never been a good writer. But who cares...right!?!? So, here is my attempt to share my life with my friends and family near and far. Which will mainly consist of watching Addyson grow older.

Today Addyson is 9 months old! Wow! I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. I mean she grew in my belly for 9 months and that seemed to take forever! But these last 9 months have passed by in a blink. I love watching her discover the world around her, sometimes that's her very hand and fingers. She'll hold her hand up, just staring at it, amazing that it's connected to her body, and she can control the little fingers attached. She is the delight of our lives! I hope you enjoy watching her grow as much as we do.